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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:09 am
by Jad
Does anyone else think it might be nice if people put their real name in the post/email/avatar? There are a lot of people on this forum who I don't know as they just post by some misc name or abbreviation. Wasn't one of the goals of the new forum to stop the anonymous postings?

Is a poll in order on this or am I the only one with the problem? Certainly wouldn't be the first or last time.... :roll:

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:57 am
by harnishclan
Good Idea, so I changed my signature block. Too late to change your name unless you start over.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:14 am
by TheStig
I think I've always had my name on here, but lurked before I became more involved lately.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:38 am
by David J Marguglio
Good point Jad! It might also be helpful if people put their positions Autocross chair, safety chair, etc. (some already do this) I think if everyone, especially newbies, would find this useful.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:40 am
by pdy

BTW, I've always wondered - What DOES J.A.D. Stand for anyhow?


PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:48 am
by Jad
pdy wrote:Yeah!

BTW, I've always wondered - What DOES J.A.D. Stand for anyhow?


It stands for Jad. It is my first name created out of my dad's initials.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:40 pm
by MikeD
Jad wrote:Wasn't one of the goals of the new forum to stop the anonymous postings?

Yes, and a few other things.

Officially: There are no longer any anonymous postings. Everyone must register with a valid email address before they can post a message. The intent, as I understand it, for not wanting anonymous posting was to keep the flames (for the sake of flaming) to a minimum. And if it did get out of hand a board member (or someone else) could contact them.

Please note how much more civil this forum has been in the last year since we switched.

Personally: I do not see the need to require everyone to identify themselves. Does it make their words more or less meaningful?

I don't really know many people in the club by name anyway. Everytime someone asks me if I know so-and-so, my first question is always: "What car does he/she drive?"

If you are going to require (which I am against) people to identify themselves, using their car info is going to be much more informational in this setting.

While I do not believe we should require people to identify themselves, I do think it's a good idea if they do (notice both my name and car in my signature).

Officially: Being on the PCA SDR Web Team I will do what I can to implement whatever the club (i.e. its membership) desires, despite my personal thoughts and/or convictions.

My $0.02

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:37 am
by Dan Chambers
MikeD wrote:Personally: I do not see the need to require everyone to identify themselves. Does it make their words more or less meaningful?

Mike, I think you have a valid point. Every opinion is a valid one. Whether or not we agree with that person's point is a different matter. A point of view is a point of view. Interpretation of that point is a question of individual values, interests and individual levels of maturity.

I think, out of courtesy, it is a good idea to identify yourself, so that a mature, articulate, and rational discussion can occur .... whether on line, or off.

What we would prefere not to see (IMHO) is aggressive, insulting defamitory, or accusitory remarks. (Historically, this kind of posting has occurred by those with unidentifyable listings. Thus, the implementation of valid email addresses, track-able ID's, etc). I think most of us who spend any time on the forum would like to see postings that are informative, fun, and on occasion, a little "spicy." We would probably like to know who posts messages as a way to further the comraderie of the club as a whole. When people post cruel, or "unnecessary" posts and "hide" (in cowardice?) behind an unrecognizable ID, I think it belittles the intent of the forum and reduces the recreational aspect for it's participants.

In response to Jad, I would say that I'd prefere to know who I'm dealing with, and would like to see people identify themselves. Having said that, we all have a right to privacy, and if a person chooses to remain aloof or distant, that's fine. That's their choice. I think Jad (like many) wants to know who some of the participants of the forum are, so that we can enjoy the concept of a "club" or social atmosphere, even on an electronic basis. Anonimity in a club seems to be a bit of an oxymoron, IMHO. Why join a social/recreational club if you're going to hide? I view PCA as a social group, but that's just me.

On the other hand, some members may want to simply be around Porsches, drive Porsches in tours, compete in driving events, and be done with the rest of it. (Let the others stand around and flap their gums, I'm going home.)They may derive enough social exposure elsewhere and utilize the club for their access to tracks, tours, or inside priveledge. That's fine, to each his/her own.

The forum has enjoyed lots of activity by a small, and very active percentage of the overall membership of the Region. I personally would like to see the number of participants on the forum increase. The forum is a very efficient method of communicating. In time, more participation will most likely occur. Keeping things fun, and positive will help this growth.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:17 am
by Otto
Fine with me. I have also added some details to my signature block.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:19 am
by Jad
I just think it is intimidating for a new person to join the forum and participate, when it seems to be a tight social click with nicknames and codes.

I also have had discussions with one person on the web and another in person, we me being totally clueless that it was the same person. That and the fact that I am terrible with names, makes it hard to remember that old guy, gulf911, airhead, 'caution slow moving vehicle ahead', Dan, Dan A, the guy with the blue and orange car, the gulf car and other less PC names all refer to the same person :lol:

This was just a thought I had, not a complaint about the excellent forum. This works so much better than the previous forums and this isn't a major problem, but like Mike, I tend to know the cars better than the people (which is a bit sad) and I would like to tie the two together better.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:49 am
by gulf911
Why join a social/recreational club if you're going to hide?

I'm with Mike D on this one. The social aspect of this club is but one of many features. Since when does respecting privacy coincide with hiding? And portraying wanting privacy as accusing them of hiding is rediculous. :roll: I will continue to respect someones wish for anonymity.
I do think Jad's request is sincere in just wanting to know who is calling him Capt. Neptune... :lol:

oh, and J.A.D stands for Just Another DanKiller..... :lol:

Jad's beeeyatch.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:54 am
by kary
I like the idea of putting your car info there as well as your name as I agree with Mike I normally do not know the names but it would be nice to start to learn all of them.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 9:59 am
by Larry Clark
I agree wholeheartedly with Jad's suggestion. I have always favored using real (or at least obviously recognizable) names.

Although Forum regulars may know who WildMan or Hotty911 is, it may take a long time for newcomers to break the code. It would be far easier for them to relate to people they meet in person if they already "knew" them from their Forum posts.

Although I would encourage the use of real names, I don't feel they should be mandatory, for some of the reasons Dan mentions. So long as the web team knows the posters' real identities and can use the information to prevent abuse, our major concerns have been addressed. Beyond that, as Dan suggests, it's simply a matter of courtesy.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:00 am
by Steve Grosekemper
I really like the idea of identification on the posts. A picture and a name with other car info. I personally have been able to put the person to the car and topic because of the forum. Then started a "social" conversation with them in person at an event.

We are after all just a bunch of friends who like to drive the same kinds of cars. Not alot different than a bunch of guys hitting a silly little white ball with a stick into a hole in the ground. Oh ya, except they start drinking before the game is over...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:27 pm
by gulf911
Then started a "social" conversation with them in person at an event

Steve's social commentary to me went like this....

"You got nuthin!!!..."
"You're trying for TTOD in THAT car???"
"Shouldn't you be at home collecting retirement??"
"Aren't FAST drivers supposed to be in AM??"

I would always come back with a geniously witty and smart comeback....

"I'm rubber and your glue....what you say bounces off me and sticks to you..." :roflmao: