Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCATIONS

A place to hang out and discuss all things Porsche.

Re: Cars & Coffee re-think - now rotating to NEW LOCATIONS

Postby halfmonkey on Thu Mar 02, 2023 2:49 pm

March 26 - 993

Here is the link for the March cars and coffee:

Thank you to everybody that came out for the February cars and coffee. It was cold, rainy, and windy around the county but it was mostly sunny skies at Moonlight Beach although still chilly. We had 3 Taycans and one Hybrid Cayenne represent the highlighted cars with a total of about 43 cars show up.

For the month of March, we will be going back to Jessie's Bake Shop. When this idea was originally presented to the board of moving the cars and coffee around, we didn't know what the interest would be so we said we would try it on a 6 months trial saying that we would put Jessie in the rotation on the last month. This is primarily due to the fact that Jessie was kind enough to host us for the past number of years. Now that we've seen the interest is there, we will continue to find new locations around the county.

Since Jessie and another coffee shop are right around the corner, we will not have a mobile coffee truck but going forward, I believe I have secured another mobile coffee truck willing and able to commit to be our coffee solution. I'm hoping this works out and turns into a long standing relationship. They're called A Cup Of Joy Coffee.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Coffee re-think - now rotating to NEW LOCATIONS

Postby halfmonkey on Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:31 am

April 30 - All green colored Porsches

Here is the link for the April Cars and Conversations.

Thank you to everybody that came out to the March Cars and Coffee event. If you hadn't noticed, I was not in attendance as my family and I took our annual spring break trip to Utah with 9 other families. As much as I would have loved to have been at Jessie's, the snow this year was FANTASTIC and could not be missed. A big thank you to Anastasia for pinch hitting and covering me in my absence. Sometimes, it takes a village.

Since the last event, a couple of changes are worth mentioning. First off, we are changing the name from Cars and Coffee to Cars and Conversations. The reason being is I have not been able to secure a mobile coffee truck for our monthly event that is willing and able to commit to us. It is beyond frustrating and after spending many hours, I believe it is better that we not focus on the coffee aspect but rather the people and the conversations to be had at these events. After all, nobody ever goes to a cars and coffee event and says they'll be back because the coffee was great. People and their cars come back because of the conversations they're having and enjoying.

With that being said, the second change is that we will no longer be actively looking for a mobile coffee truck and instead ask that you plan your morning coffee and pastries accordingly. Please bring your own coffee or buy it on the way to the event. Sorry for the inconvenience but I believe this is the best option because in some instances, we've received confirmation that a mobile coffee truck will be there for them to contact me the night before saying that their espresso machine broke or that the location is too far for them to drive and that leaves the attendees high and dry because they had planned to purchase coffee at the event. This way, there is no expectation of coffee being served so again, please bring your own coffee.

For the month of April, we will be highlighting all green colored Porsches. With April being the traditional tax deadline and everybody hoping that the IRS "SHOWS ME THE MONEY," what better way to get into the spirit than to show off all of your green colored Porsches. Calling all Python Green, all PTS greens such as Mint Green, Jade Green or even the elusive Chromaflair Python Green and any other greens. As usual, we will park the highlight models together. Weather this weekend is looking great so I would love to see all Porsches come out in full force.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby jay abrams on Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:00 am

The large parking lot in front of Peohe's at the Ferry Landing in Coronado has restrooms and a full service coffee stand with bakery items. Coronado holds a Cars and Coffee there every 3rd Saturday of the month. Its less than half a mile from Tidelands, with Coffee!!!!
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby Greg Phillips on Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:25 pm

jay abrams wrote:The large parking lot in front of Peohe's at the Ferry Landing in Coronado has restrooms and a full service coffee stand with bakery items. Coronado holds a Cars and Coffee there every 3rd Saturday of the month. Its less than half a mile from Tidelands, with Coffee!!!!

Not sure if there is another but there is a Cars and Coffee at Vetter Park in Coronado on the last Sunday of each month from 11-1 if you want to do a double

Greg Phillips
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Fri Apr 21, 2023 4:41 pm

I tried to multi-quote but I don't see that function so this is in response to Jay and Greg from above. Thank you for the suggestions.

Jay, I have checked out Peohe's at the suggestion of another person and here are some reasons why I don't believe Peohe's will work. 1) It's a private business with what appears to be located in a business mall. Typically, property owners/management do not want car clubs hosting a cars and coffee event on the private property because of liability. 2) I'm trying to move away from doing the cars and coffee in business malls even if there is access to coffee because that's where we started from at Jessie's so we'd be right back to square one.

Greg, I took a look at that cars and coffee you suggested and it operates at a park but I don't see any parking in the area. Do they park on the grass at the park or do people search for parking on the street? It appears to be street parking and that would not be feasible to accommodate the number of cars that have been attending on public street parking.

Again, I appreciate the suggestions and am always open to looking for new venues. Some points to keep in mind when offering suggestions.
1. Is it private property such as a business parking lot? If so, generally consent is required from property management to host an event. Otherwise, a public location is best.
2. Is there ample parking?
3. Is the location "worth" hosting an event for people to drive to?

These are just some things to consider. There are many other considerations when picking a location and if anybody would like to chat about it or anything else related to the Cars and Conversations events, I'll be hosting the next one on 4/30. Hope to see you there. Remember to bring out your green cars.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Sat Apr 29, 2023 4:37 pm

A quick update for tomorrow's Cars and Conversations. Long story short, a member met a mobile coffee "truck" that has agreed to come out tomorrow to offer coffee for sale so if you don't want to bring your own, please consider buying from him to support the local business.

The coffee "truck" is called Beetlebean Street Cafe. Their IG is Beetlebean68. When you come tomorrow, you'll see why I called it a coffee "truck." :)

Hope to see you there. Weather should be really nice so don't forget to bring out your green Porsche's to highlight.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Mon May 08, 2023 8:34 am

May 28 - All GT3's

Here is the link for the May Cars and Conversations:

Thank you to everyone that came out to the April Cars and Conversations and thank you to Beetlebean Street Cafe for supplying us with some warm and tasty coffee. The weather was supposed to be nice but it looks like the marine layer was too thick to burn off so it was a cool morning. We had a total of about 78 Porsches show up with 5 of them being green. I honestly thought a lot more green Porsches would show up but maybe the marine layer kept them in bed. Even with the marine layer, it was a great time with great conversations. Tim Comeau volunteered to bring a 4' Porsche shield and offered to have a picture taken of the group to be submitted to Panorama so be on the lookout for a little blurb about the event.

Beetlebean Street Cafe wanted to offer his coffee to us and has asked to attend the event in May as well.

For the month of May, we will be highlighting all GT3 Porsches.With the start of the summer months, what better way to celebrate than to highlight the model line that started something special for Porsche, the GT3. What started in 2004 for the US as a niche vehicle turned into a model line that is now very well respected. With that, we’re highlighting all GT3’s from the 996.2 GT3 to the 992 GT3 and even the GT3 Touring models and the 991.2 (GT3) Speedster. As usual, we will park the highlight models together. I know we have a lot of enthusiastic GT3 owners in SoCal so I'm looking forward to seeing a large turnout.

This event is sponsored by One of One & Porsche of San Diego.
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Tue Jun 06, 2023 11:48 pm

June 25 - All front engine Porsches

Here is the link for the June Cars and Conversations:

Thank you to everyone that came out to the May Cars and Conversations and thank you to Beetlebean Street Cafe for supplying us with warm and tasty coffee. Again, the weather was supposed to be nice but the May Grey was too strong and it was overcast. We had a total of about 55 Porsches with about 15 of them being GT3's. We filled the parking lot and had to double park some of the cars.

Beetlebean says they will be at the June event.

For the month of June, we will be highlighting all front engine Porsches. With kids getting out of school in June, many folks typically consider June the start of summer. With June being the "beginning" of the summer months or shall we say the "first" of the upcoming summer months or even the "front" of the summer months, let's celebrate with all front engine Porsches from the Cayenne, to the 924, or the Panamera. If you have a front engine Porsche, bring it out.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:28 pm

July 30 - All mid engine Porsches

Here is the link for the July Cars and Conversations:

Thank you to everyone that came out to the June Cars and Conversations. Thank you to Anastasia for covering for me as I was out of town and thank you to Rick ARE for finding a new location to move to. It was my understanding that a parking enforcer was there letting everyone know that we were not allowed to park in the boat launch area and forced everyone to move. Sorry for the trouble but I'm glad Rick R was able to find another location that worked out.

For the month of July, we will be highlighting all mid engine Porsches. With July falling in the middle of the year, what better way to recognize half of the year than to feature all mid engine Porsches. This includes the 918 Spyder, the Carrera GT, the 987.2 Spyder, the 914 and everything in between. So if you've got a mid engine Porsche or know someone that has one, please have them come out to the July Cars and Conversations.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Wed Aug 02, 2023 12:55 am

August 27 - People's Choice Award

Here is the link to the August Cars and Conversations:

Thank you to everyone that came out to the July Cars and Conversations. We had our largest turnout ever with 90 Porsches. Weather was a little foggy on the way there with a slight marine layer but this helped keep the weather cool and comfortable until it burned off at about 9:30am and then the sun was coming out in full force. Loved seeing all of the mid-engine highlights. It's my understanding that we had some attendees coming from as far as Fallbrook and Temecula with their 914's. Thanks again to Beetlebean for coming out. Unfortunately, the Beetle was undergoing some repairs so he hopes to have it back on the road next month.

For the month of August, we're going to do something a little different to try and tie in with Werks Reunion in Monterey. If you've ever been to Werks Reunion, you'll know that one of the main draws is walking the event and checking out all of the cars parked waiting to be judged. Well, we're going to do something similar so instead of featuring a highlight for the month of August, we're going to hold a People's Choice Award vote.

All Porsche cars in attendance are welcome to participate at no cost to you. It's free so just show up. Feel free to bring anything to help showcase your car. Maybe your car was featured in a magazine; bring the magazine. Maybe you've entered the car in other comps and won trophies; bring the trophies. Maybe you've received a description display from another event; bring it. Bring whatever you want to help showcase your car or to help set it apart.

What does the People's Choice Award actually mean? Well, we're going to ask all attendees and the general public to cast their vote for whatever car they want to vote for. There will be no category to judge. It will simply be whichever car you feel deserves your vote. You might vote for the cleanest car or you might vote for the highest mileage car or you might vote for the most original car or you might vote for the car with your favorite color, etc. Again, it's your choice of who you cast your vote for. We will award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes so get your car prepped and ready for the People's Choice Award.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:56 pm

September 24 - Track and Raced Prepped Porsches

Here is the link for the September Cars and Conversations:

Thank you to everyone that came out to the August People's Choice Awards Cars and Conversations. We had about 84 Porsches come out. We completely ran out of parking space and some cars had to double park and others just squeezed in where they could fit. Weather cooperated too. It was clear and sunny skies right up to about 10am and once we cleared the area, the marine layer started to roll in. Funny thing is, my wife said another car club rolled through the parking lot and told her that they were supposed to have a car meet in the same place but because we filled up the parking lot, they would have to find a new spot.

For the month of September, just like how we tied in the People's Choice Awards in August with Werks Reunion, we're going to tie in to Rennsport Reunion 7 in Monterey and feature Track and Race Prepped Porsches. So if you have a Porsche that you track or race, please drive it or trailer it. If you drive it, it must be street legal. Driving an illegally modified car is at your own risk. Please feel free to bring your personal items to showcase your Porsche too such as helmet, gloves, racing suit, trophies, magazine article features, etc.

Please pay extra attention to the noise coming from your car as you drive to the event. Please remember that you’re driving through residential and business neighborhoods and you don’t want to draw any negative attention to yourself or the event. Please be respectful and save the showboating for the race track.

Lastly, BeetleBean will be our mobile coffee truck solution so please be sure to consider buying your morning coffee from him so he can continue to partner with us.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Tue Oct 03, 2023 10:19 pm

Thank you to everyone that came out to the September Cars and Conversations at Shelter Island. Another fantastic turnout with some great race/track cars too. I can't remember the turn out numbers but I think I counted about 60 or 70 cars and I had to leave early so not sure if more cars showed up after I left. Still working on the details for the month of October.

On a side note, I believe it was at the August event at Mt. Soledad, someone came up to me with an idea of holding a Cars and Conversations at a Yacht Club as they mentioned they may be able to help secure approval. I was busy and wasn't able to get that person's contact info and they never contacted me so not sure if they lost my contact. If you're reading this, please contact me as I am interested in pursuing the venue.

Also, if others have other ideas of locations or venues, please reach out to me to discuss possible locations.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:42 pm

October 29 - Orange and Purple colored Porsches

Here is the link for the October Cars and Conversations:

For the month of October, we're going to be highlighting all Orange and Purple colored Porsches to keep with the Halloween theme colors. Whether it's a PTS color or a standard color or a premium color, please bring them out and feel free to dress up in costume or dress up your car for Halloween.

Also, Beetlebean will be our mobile coffee truck solution so please consider buying your morning coffee from him so he can continue to partner with us.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:01 am

November 26 - Aftermarket Wheels

Here is the link for the November Cars and Conversations:

Thank you to everyone that came out to the October Cars and Conversations. We had about 47 cars show up along with one police officer that drove through and ended up parking his car to walk through and check out the Porsches. The weather was perfect and the USS mIdway and the Statue made for some great photo ops.

For the month of November, we're going to be tying in with Ünstock being held at HRE by highlighting all aftermarket wheels. So wash off the brake dust and apply some tire dressing. Whether you have wheels from HRE or BBS or another aftermarket brand, please come out and show us those beautiful wheels. Doesn't matter if they're chrome, polished silver, matte black or whatever. If they're aftermarket (meaning not from Porsche), we'd love to highlight them for the month of November.

We'll be at the Moonlight Beach parking lot. It's the parking lot at the top of the hill and we'll be meeting in the northeast corner of the lot.
Richard Trang
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Re: Cars & Conversations rethink - now rotating to NEW LOCAT

Postby halfmonkey on Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:56 pm

Hi everybody. Just wanted to send out a message for all of those attending Sunday's Cars and Conversations. Please note that BeetleBean will not be there as they have a last minute trip out of town. Please plan your morning coffee accordingly. I believe the surf shack on the beach sells coffee but I'm not sure what time they open. Hope to see you there with your featured after market wheels.
Richard Trang
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