924S Won't Run!

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924S Won't Run!

Postby CrashBrown on Fri May 07, 2010 8:19 am

Yikes! What's up with our little beasts. My 924 was doing wonderfully until it wouldn't turn over at the local gas station (great, bad starter I thought). So I bump started to get home and only got 3 blocks until she quit (fuel pump too!? I thought). Towed home, removed starter and took to Kragen . . . it's good. Put starter back in, cleaned all terminals and . . . nothing. Now what would keep the starter AND fuel pump from recieving power if all the other accessories and lights are recieving it? :(
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Re: 924S Won't Run!

Postby gocart on Fri May 07, 2010 10:03 am

My 71 911 had a "ghost" also. Sometimes it would just die. After some digging around the problem was one of the plugs in the harness. This plug connected electricals from the ignition switch to the rest of the harness. All I had to do was reach under the dash and hit the plug and voila. Later on I cleaned up the contacts and it has not been a problem since.
Hope this helps, and good luck with your car.
Gordon Carter
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Re: 924S Won't Run!

Postby ChuckS on Fri May 07, 2010 10:50 am

Not sure about the 924S, but with all 944's, first thing to check would be the DME relay. They ALL fail. I don't think it would prevent the car from turning over, but it will intermittantly kill the fuel pump and electrical to DME.

Check for power to the starter relay with a voltmeter. If no power, then it is not the starter. If you have power, have someone turn the key to start. If power does not drop, the starter solenoid is suspect. If it does, you either have a bad battery or poor connections. It could also be a bad starter, but you have now ruled that out.

Others will also have more things to try.

Best of Luck!
Chuck Sharp
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Re: 924S Won't Run!

Postby MTrotter on Sat May 08, 2010 7:11 am

check ground strap... motor to frame and starter to battery.
Morgan Trotter
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Re: 924S Won't Run!

Postby CrashBrown on Sun May 09, 2010 12:43 pm

And Mr. Trotter wins the prize!

Thank you Morgan :rockon:
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