Detailing tip Speedy Surface Prep Towel - Fine Grade

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Detailing tip Speedy Surface Prep Towel - Fine Grade

Postby Mike on Sat Nov 26, 2016 11:17 am

This Speedy Surface Prep Towel - Fine Grade is awesome. 8)
They replace the clay bar method of cleaning before waxing.
Clay bar is a hassle, when it slips and falls on the ground and gets contaminated.
or ... D73S32PT81

Just the clay towel and then spray on Carnuba, that leaves do white residue or dust.
Also use something like Meguires spray on Final Detail during clay towel cleaning and for removing/buffing off the spray on Carnuba.

For 30 years I've been getting all my detailer stuff at Auto Body Beauty products near the sports arena.
All you need to quickly clean and wax a car is their clay towel, yellow carnuba spray and their pink detailing spray.

Cleaning and waxing just got easier.
Michael_Gagen :D

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Re: Detailing tip Speedy Surface Prep Towel - Fine Grade

Postby Old Guy on Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:38 pm

Just reading this. Great info, thanks. I have at least two clay bar kits on the shelf that I've resisted using because the last time I tried claying, the bar slipped from my hand and hit the floor...essentially rendering it useless.
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Re: Detailing tip Speedy Surface Prep Towel - Fine Grade

Postby Mike on Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:04 am

I got two clay bar towels.
One is fine the other medium.
The fine rated towel is best for dark colors.
The medium is for white cars where swirl marks are less likely to show.
Test it on your paint before doing the entire car.

My fine rated clay bar towel worked so well I was able to clay and wax both the truck and trailer in one day.
Just dip the clay towel in soapy water or just water and it rinses clean again.
Since its a towel its easy to hold onto and is rarely dropped.

I learned about the clay towel from my detailer.
The trailer alone cost $180 to detail, now I can do it faster and cheaper with the clay towel.

Michael_Gagen :D

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