elcap00 wrote:I am having a hard time inserting an avatar for my posts---I have gone to my profile--browsed for the gif/jpeg etc and when I upload or "submit" nothing happens--how can I rememdy this?
Also--others are able to post pics --I cant seem to use "paste" like I would do normally.
Can anyone help?
Make yourself an avatar on your computer according to the directions:
Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than 150 pixels, the height no greater than 150 pixels, and the file size no more than 25 KB. Then browse to whatever location on your machine that you saved it to. (Desktop, my pictures)
Click it and hit submit.
If you still are having problems PM me.
You can't paste in an image, it has to be hosted somewhere else
Hope this helps