New Terms And Conditions for Forum usage. -- MUST READ --

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New Terms And Conditions for Forum usage. -- MUST READ --

Postby admin on Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:15 pm

Updated May 16, 2020:

The PCA-SDR Board of Directors has updated the Standing Rules regarding forum usage as follows:
The Forum area of the website is designed primarily to allow SDR members to discuss and comment on topics of general interest to SDR members relating to club activities and to allow members to solicit technical advice from one another. However, the Forum area is open to all PCA members who have provided valid registration information and accepted the conditions of use. Any registered PCA member may post messages on the Forum. All messages posted must include the full name of the posting individual. If notice is given of an event that is of interest to the membership but is not sanctioned or sponsored by PCA-SDR, then a statement that “This is not a PCA-SDR sanctioned event” should be included in the posting.

Topics discussed on the Forum are expected to relate to the overall interest of SDR club members, adhering to the purpose of SDR as delineated in the Club Bylaws, and not to promote the self or commercial benefit of individual members or other organizations. Postings of a commercial and advertising nature by a PCA member are inappropriate unless related to a sanctioned PCA event that has an approved sponsor associated with that event or such posting informs of an event or opportunity which benefits SDR members. The SDR Board of Directors will be the approving authority for any commercial advertising to be posted on the Forum in conjunction with PCA sponsored events. Messages containing offensive or abusive language, which are personal attacks or unfairly critical in nature of individual club members, or disparage any product, company, or individual, are inappropriate. Classified ads should be entered and displayed in the classified section of the website (, not on the Forum. After a classified ad is entered online, a single posting to the Forum notifying other members of the ad is allowed. No pictures or detailed description of the items are allowed.
The Forum Administrative Team may establish reasonable restrictions on length, style, and frequency of messages. The Forum Administrative Team may edit or remove messages as necessary to ensure posting restrictions are adhered to.

The Forum Administrative Team will warn members who violate the posting restrictions. Repeat offenders may be denied access to the Forum.
When information is posted from other sources, the user must ensure that the author and source have granted permission for doing so. This is especially important when posting information from secondary sources. The postings should credit the author and the original source, and should include the source’s copyright notice if required.

The original posting of Terms And Conditions from October 03, 2005, is retained below for reference, and because it is quoted during the ensuing discussion:
The PCASDR Forum area of the web site is primarily to allow members to comment on issues affecting the Club, and to allow members to solicit technical advice from one another. This forum is open to all members of SDR. Any member may post messages on the forum. All messages posted should include the full name of the posting individual.

You agree that topics discussed on the forum will relate to the overall purpose of PCA San Diego Region. Messages of a commercial nature are inappropriate, as are messages containing offensive or abusive language, and will be removed without notice. Classified ads should only be displayed in the classified section of the web site (, not on the forum.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, the webmaster, administrator, and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

You agree that all posts containing information from other sources will only be posted with the author's permission and will be appropriately cited. (This is especially important when posting information from secondary sources.)

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Postby David J Marguglio on Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:50 am

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening...material

Did we agree to this? What is the point of a forum if not to abuse Dan with obscene, vulgar and slanderous posts? :lol:
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Postby Jad on Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:03 pm

David J Marguglio wrote:
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening...material

Did we agree to this? What is the point of a forum if not to abuse Dan with obscene, vulgar and slanderous posts? :lol:

Don't worry David, the club has now said they will protect Dan from us, so we can post whatever we want and if Dan reads it before they delete as promised, the club is now liable and has better insurance than us :D

Abuse away!
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Postby TheStig on Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:15 pm

What is the point of internet without bashing on a web forum?

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

I'm kidding :D
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Postby martinreinhardt on Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:21 am

I was going thru the forum memberlist and it occured to me that we have many forum spammer accounts.

Maybe we should request a valid PCA member number for the profile to prevent these people from posting on our forum. :?
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Postby paul-silver on Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:33 am

I think that one issue with that is there are valid non-member posters. People who are looking to buy a Porsche, get involved with the club, etc. may check out the website and forum before joining. Excluding them would prevent that valid use, as well as the spammers.
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Postby Jad on Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:39 pm

I totally agree with you, but that is not what the new rules say.... "any MEMBER is allowed to post..."
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End User Agreement - my view

Postby Dan Chambers on Mon Oct 17, 2005 2:17 pm

I think it's clear in the first paragraph, the end user agreement (EUA), if you want to call it that, is intended for members. I've high-lighted the applicable phrases in the first parragraph to emphasize my point:

"The PCASDR Forum area of the web site is primarily to allow members to comment on issues affecting the Club, and to allow members to solicit technical advice from one another. This forum is open to all members of SDR. Any member may post messages on the forum. "

I interpret this to say that it is a leasurely forum for members to communicate with one another. If non-members want to read it, that appears to be fine. If a non-member wants to post, I'm not sure the current EUA has provision for that priviledge (or, apparrently against it, as i've seen some non-member posts), and they may have to querry members in another form, like writing an email to specific Officers or Chairs (ie:,, etc.). This is just my interpretation of the language of the EUA.
Dan Chambers
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Postby MikeD on Mon Oct 17, 2005 6:03 pm

The Terms and Conditions (or EULA as Dan put it) does NOT preclude a non-member from posting. The highlighted areas that Dan points out are intended to give members confidence that the forum is for them. I assume this is because some members felt the forum was strictly for Autocross attendees and their discussions and did not feel welcome to post. That is the primary reason why "member" was left in the new TAC and why it was not generalized to "user" or some other inclusive term.

When this forum was installed the BOD was asked if they wanted it to be restricted to PCA members only (requiring a Member ID to register). But they decided that they wanted to take the risks involved with opening up the forum to the public (I believe the reasoning was to create less work for the Web Team, and to help with the elitist image the club might have). Those risks include the occasional abuses by people that are members as well as non-members.

The more we mitigate those risks the more we restrict our own rights and freedoms. We could require all posts to be reviewed by admins before actually becoming public. But how much fun would the forum be then? If you want the administrators control what you see (isn't that censorship?) then it will be done for all people the same across the board. If that is what you want then we (The Web Team) will oblige, but you will be relinquishing you own rights as well. The club is for the members, so you tell us what you want.
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Postby Dan Chambers on Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:53 am

Thanks for the clarification, Mike. I'm glad non-members can post, too. I think the forum is a really great priviledge, and I wouldn't want to see it abused, or limited.

Thanks to the Web Team for doing a great job!
Dan Chambers
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Postby Jad on Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:32 am

I also want to thank the web team. I really enjoy the forum. I fully believe it should be an open source of information - spam excluded. I don't believe it should be restricted until real problems develop. If people don't like what is being posted, they don't have to read it.

Too many people want the world to conform to their beliefs while prohibiting others.

Keep up the good work!
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Postby David Ray on Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:40 pm

I have to agree with Paul, not that I want it to turn it into Craigslist, but on two different occasions Porsche owners from other regions have emailed me about items for sell and purchased them.

The first time it caught me off guard as the email was from Chicago and I new I didn't advertise anything in that area. After a phone call and my curiosity he indicated that he frequently visits our website for the forums and classifieds.

The SDR club has a excellent and noteworthy web site and I think it draws a lot of attention from the rest of the regions around the country, not only for it’s classified section, but for it’s content. I’d hate to see other Porsche owners not have access just because their not SDR members.
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Update on Standing Rules for Forum Usage

Postby Greg Phillips on Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:55 pm

The Forum area of the web site is designed primarily to allow members to comment on issues affecting the Club, and to allow members to solicit technical advice from one another. This area is open to all members of SDR who have provided valid registration information and accepted the conditions of use. Any registered member may post messages on the Forum. All messages posted should include the full name of the posting individual.
Topics discussed on the Forum are expected to relate to the overall purpose of SDR. Messages of a commercial nature are inappropriate, as are messages containing offensive or abusive language, and those that disparage any product, company, or individual. Classified ads should only be displayed in the classified section of the web site, not on the forum.
The webmaster may establish reasonable restrictions on length, style, and frequency of messages. The webmaster may edit or remove messages as necessary to ensure posting restrictions are adhered to.
The webmaster will warn members who violate the posting restrictions. Repeat offenders may be denied access to the Forum.
When information is posted from other sources, the webmaster must ensure that the author and source have granted permission for doing so. (This is especially important when posting information from secondary sources.) The posting should credit the author and the original source, and should include the source’s copyright notice if required.
Policies relating to use of the Forum should appear prominently on the web site as well as in the registration agreement.

These are the current standing rules regarding the Forum usage.

Greg Phillips
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Re: New Terms And Conditions for Forum usage. -- MUST READ --

Postby 930slant on Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:51 am

I'm new to your chapter as a transplant from the Potomac chapter in the DC area. We're moving to Idian Wells for the winter months to escape the Washington, DC weather. Hope to get down to San Diego to join in on some of your activities when we visit our son and his family who live in Rancho Bernardo.

I've thought about driving my 1988 930 factory slant cross country but want to check out getting the car transported. If you know of a good, safe, reliable car transport company that does coast to coast, please let me know.

Read the rules about posting and they are similar to those of the Potomac chapter. :beerchug:
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Re: New Terms And Conditions for Forum usage. -- MUST READ --

Postby ttweed on Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:24 pm

930slant wrote:I've thought about driving my 1988 930 factory slant cross country but want to check out getting the car transported. If you know of a good, safe, reliable car transport company that does coast to coast, please let me know.

Welcome to the forum, Jonathan, and to SDR. Posting your question here in the FAQ section might not bring as much of a response as in the General Discussion area, but I can offer a suggestion for transport companies that comes straight from the PCA E-brake newsletter: American Auto Transporters, Inc., supposedly owned by a PCA member. Another place to get a quote might be Intercity Lines, Inc., who sponsors the Rennlist forums and has good reviews, though somewhat premium prices.

Before doing anything, there is a pretty interesting blog about the car shipping business you might want to check out here:

Good luck,
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