WOW, Autothority chip upgrade...

Porsche Technical related discussions.

WOW, Autothority chip upgrade...

Postby my87944s on Wed Dec 29, 2004 8:33 pm

Today I installed an autothority chip in my 87 944s. Before you say that any performance increase is only noted by "seat of the pants dyno"... I have a new G-Tech Pro that I used to note the change.
Heres what I did...
2 runs on a SAFE stretch of road (actually ran in both directions for a total of 4 timed runs).
Pre chip results:
165 hp, 167hp, 166hp, 167hp

After chip same route, same runs:
175hp, 179hp, 176hp, 177hp
The torque after chip was:

That is an average of 9.65 hp gain...

Now before you tell me that the G-Tech is the worlds least accurate test of HP... I did a test using my SVT and the hp difference between the G-Tech and a Mustang Dyno was 1.2hp (the G-tech read lower)

In any event, just a note that the Autothority chip is A OK in my book!
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