LUCKY DAVE wrote:There's only so much you can do with a 944 as far as power goes....the manifolds you could fix,(throw away and start over) and the ports could be welded to decrease their "too big for velocity" size, but the combustion chamber design is terrible. Seriously high compression ratio without severly masking the valves isn't possible with the existing configuration, and you can't alter the intake/exhaust cam timing independantly on the dyno without having a bunch of custom ground cams in your pocket to experiment with.
Engine development would be very expensive for what you get. 400+ hp is hiding in that block, but.....
I'm willing to bet a BUNCH more power could be made fairly easily if you started with an S2 head however. It's far more modern/tuner friendly in design.
It is called a 944S and it got 179 HP as I low end torque whatsoever, but definitely more HP.