October 7, 2023 - Cars and SunsetHere is the link for full details and to register for the event:
http://msreg.com/CarsandSunset2023On October 7, 2023 PCA SDR will be trying something new with the Cars and Sunset event. Instead of waking up at 0-dark hundred to go to Cars and Conversations (which I thank all of you for doing because I know it is early,) we'll be hosting this event starting in the afternoon into the evening. The event will begin with a convoy starting at the Target parking lot in Mission Valley and end at the Silver Strand State Beach to relax and enjoy the sunset. No hunting for parking as I have a parking lot reserved for this event just for us; no public parking.
The event is limited to the first 50 people; again first 50 PEOPLE NOT 50 CARS so don't delay! If we reach the 50 people limit, please continue to register as people may cancel and if I get enough people on the waitlist, I can ask the city about opening up to more people. Registration opens August 15th at midnight.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank all of those that came out to the Peterson Automotive Museum We Are Porsche Spotlight Tour yesterday. We had a total of 63 people and 35 cars. We were also given a little extra treat because part of the tour included a visit to the Vault and I was told early on that once we viewed the Porsches in the Vault, we would need to return to the regular exhibit as remaining in the Vault would be an additional charge. Yesterday, they allowed us to remain in the Vault and actually continued the tour through the Vault so that was a nice surprise.
Lots of first time PCA SDR event attendees as well as first time Peterson Automotive Museum attendees too. I believe we all enjoyed the exhibit and if you weren't able to make it, please do yourself a favor and visit the museum as I believe you will enjoy it.
Thank you and see you at the next event.